Secondary Excision
Generally Non-melanoma skin cancers are excised and treated with a single surgical procedure. Occasionally, if the diagnosis is uncertain, then a biopsy (small sample) of the lesions may be removed and if the diagnosis of skin cancer is confirmed then the remaining lesion is excised.
Melanoma skin cancer is slightly different as the width of the final excision and subsequent treatment is determined by the thickness of the melanoma skin cancer itself. This can only be decided once the melanoma has been removed and examined by the pathologist. Consequently, as per the current UK guidelines, Mr Peach would recommend a narrow margin excision of any lesion he felt was likely to be a melanoma. The width of the secondary surgery, designed to ensure all roots of the skin cancer are removed, is then planned according to the pathology report. Mr Peach may also recommend a Sentinel Node Biopsy at the same time as the secondary excision to help check whether the melanoma has spread outside of the skin. This would all be discussed with you during your consultation

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