Non-surgical management of sundamaged skin

Non-surgical management of sundamaged skin

Over time the UV rays from sunlight can cause premature ageing of the skin, particularly in those individuals who have had an excessive exposure (sunbathing, tanning beds, outdoor work or recreation, certain skin types, where you have lived in the world etc.). These lesions generally present as rough patches of skin, commonly on sun exposed areas (face, hands, lower legs) which never resolve. There are a variety of non-surgical treatment options for these which Mr Peach will be happy to discuss with you.

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On occasion, I have enquired about a treatment I’ve read about, that perhaps might help my condition. Mr Peach will explain the reason why this particular treatment would or wouldn’t be of benefit

  • CS
  • Vitality
  • wpa
  • Bupa
  • simplehealth
  • Cigna
  • Vitality
  • legal and general
  • exeter
  • aviva
  • AXA
  • allianz


Based in Leeds

Visit Mr Peach in one of the following locations

(private) spire hospital leeds, roundhay hall jackson avenue, leeds

(NHS) bexley wing, st. james's hospital, leeds

(NHS) chapel allerton hospital, leeds

(NHS) leeds general infirmary, leeds