Scar Revision

The final outcome of any surgery depends upon surgical skill, the extent of the area to be reconstructed, any previous treatments as well as the individuals healing traits. Mr Peach understands that it is not the scars that need to be concealed, as these often can be disguised, but the consequences of any scarring. It is the distortion of the normal features of the face which draw ones attention to the scar rather than the other way around - it is the pulled down eyelid, the distorted smile, the loss of contour of the ear margin, which you see first and then the scar. So if you can limit the distortion it is possible to camouflage the scar.

This assessment can equally be applied to revision of scars to reduce the aesthetic impact of the scar, either by sometimes increasing its length, or by re-orientating its lines to help conceal it.

Scar Revision

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  • exeter
  • aviva
  • Cigna
  • simplehealth
  • wpa
  • AXA
  • Vitality
  • legal and general
  • Bupa
  • allianz
  • CS
  • Vitality


Based in Leeds

Visit Mr Peach in one of the following locations

(private) spire hospital leeds, roundhay hall jackson avenue, leeds

(NHS) bexley wing, st. james's hospital, leeds

(NHS) chapel allerton hospital, leeds

(NHS) leeds general infirmary, leeds