Surgical Experience in Afghanistan : Surgery May 1995
Colour shift following tattoo removal with Q-switched Nd-YAG laser (1064/532):
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‘Improved selection and management of the auricular composite graft donor site’
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Cutaneous Melanoma. Peach H SURGERY 2006; 24:1: 21-26
The Role of Travel Guides in the Prevention of Skin Cancer: Bains R, Peach H
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 121(3) 153-4 e March 2008
Isolated Limb Infusion as a novel treatment for extensive plantar warts -
Wilks DJ, Peach H Dermatology 2009; 218(4): 367-9
Revised UK guidelines on the management of cutaneous melanoma - J.R. Marsden, J.A. Newton-Bishop, L. Burrows, M. Cook, P.G. Corrie, N.H. Cox, M.E. Gore, P. Lorigan, R. MacKie, P. Nathan, H. Peach, B. Powell and C. Walker -  BJD 2010;163:238-56 & JPRAS 63(9): 1401-19, 2010
Melanoma sentinel node biopsy and prediction models for relapse and overall survival - A Mitra, C Conway, C Walker, M Cook, B Powell, S Lobo, M Chan, M Kissin, G Layer, J Smallwood, C Ottensmeier, P Stanley, H Peach, H Chong, F Elliott, M M Iles, J Nsengimana, J H Barrett, D T Bishop, and J A Newton-Bishop - British Journal of Cancer 103(8): 1229-36, 2010 Oct
Diagnosis and Management of soft tissue sarcoma - S Sinha, H Peach - BMJ 15 January 2011 (342): p157-62
Author for Department of Health - Map of Medicine for Melanoma project - DoH website
Measles virus causes immunogenic cell death in human melanoma – Donnelly, O.G.; …Peach, H.;….Melcher, A.A. – Gene Therapy (2011) 1-9
"Ultra-late recurrence of malignant melanoma after 40 years of quiescent disease." Saleh, D. and Peach H (2011) J Surg Oncol 103(3): 290-291.
"The unpredictability of lymphatic drainage from the ear in melanoma patients, and its implications for management." Peach, H., et al. (2013) Ann Surg Oncol 20(5): 1707-1713.
"Spontaneous regression of metastatic melanoma - clinical evidence of the abscopal effect." Bramhall, R. J., Malady KF, Peach H. (2014)Eur J Surg Oncol 40(1): 34-41.
"Merkel cell polyomavirus small T antigen targets the NEMO adaptor protein to disrupt inflammatory signaling.” Griffiths, D. A. … Peach H, et al. (2013). J Virol 87(24): 13853-13867.
"Combined clearance of pelvic and superficial nodes for clinical groin melanoma." West, C. A., Saleh, D., Peach, H. (2014) J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 67(12): 1711-1718
"Response to Article published in Annals of the RCS." Peach H. (2015). Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons (Eng).
"Neuropathic pain and quality of life after wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma: a multicentre study." Thomson CH, C. O., Peach H, Holloway S, Garioch J, Moncrieff M (2017). Melanoma Research 27: 5.

"Baseline Neutrophil-Lymphocyte and Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratios as Biomarkers of Survival in Cutaneous Melanoma: A Multicenter Cohort Study." Wade R, Robinson A, Lo M, Keeble C, Marples M, Dewar D, Moncrieff M, Peach H. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2018, Vol 25 (11), p 3341-49

"1 Versus 2-cm Excision Margins for pT2-pT4 Primary Cutaneous Melanoma (MelMarT): A Feasibility Study." Moncrieff M, Gyorki D, Spillane A, Peach H, et al. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2018, Vol 25 (9), 2541-2549

Bevin Bhoyrul, G. B., Faye Elliott, Joanna McLorinan, Amy Wilson, Howard Peach, Bipin Mathew, Angana Mitra (2019). "Pathological review of primary cutaneous malignant melanoma by a specialist skin cancer multidisciplinary team improves patient care in the UK." J Clin Pathology: 5.

Co-Author - British Association of Dermatology - Melanoma patient information leaflets

B.A.Hughes, S. H., J.Stallard, S.Louette, J.Smith, S.L.Knight, C.Fenn, H.Peach, D.J.Thornton, C.Hernon, J.Goodenough, W.Bhat, C.C.West, R.D.Bains, G.Bourke, I.M.Smith, M.I.Liddington (2020). "Plastic physicians: The surgical salamanders of the COVID-19 pandemic." Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery Sept.

Peach AH, M. M., Pritchard-Jones R (2020). "Advice for managing Melanoma patients during Coronavirus pandemic." BAPRAS March.

Peach, H., et al. (2020). "Current role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of cutaneous melanoma: A UK consensus statement." Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 73(1): 36-42.

Robinson, A. V., Peach, H.,et al. (2020). "The neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio and locoregional melanoma: a multicentre cohort study." Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy.

Smith, H., Bagwan I, Board R, Peach H (2020). "Ano-uro-genital mucosal melanoma UK national guidelines." European Journal of Cancer 135: 9.

Smith, H. G., et al. (2020). "Less is more: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the outcomes of radical versus conservative primary resection in anorectal melanoma." European Journal of Cancer 135: 113-120.

Robinson, A. V., Peach, H.,et al. (2021). "Managing infected seroma post-lymphadenectomy; A retrospective cohort study and cost analysis in melanoma patients." Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 74(9): 2251-2257.

Nahm, S. H., et al. (2021). "Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Melanoma during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Surgery, Systemic Anti-cancer Therapy, Radiotherapy and Follow-up." Clinical oncology (Royal College of Radiologists (Great Britain)) 33(1): e54-e57.

M Moncrieff, S. L., R Scolyer, J Nobes, M Heaton, A Snelling, M J Carr, JS Zagar, R Kisyova, J Mason, E Wilsonb, R Wade, H Peach, C Nessim, G Nolan, R Pritchard-Jones, R Olofsson Bagge, I Johansson, L Wright, N Patel, VK Sondak, JF Thompson (2021). "A Quest for the Lost Tribe: Surgical Management of AJCC IB Melanoma with the Advert of Adjuvant Systemic Therapy." Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(1).

Lo, M., et al. (2021). "Extracapsular Spread in Melanoma Lymphadenopathy: Prognostic Implications, Classification, and Management." Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(3): 1642-1653.

Moncrieff, M. D., et al. (2022). "Evaluation of the Indications for Sentinel Node Biopsy in Early-Stage Melanoma with the Advent of Adjuvant Systemic Therapy: An International, Multicenter Study." Annals of Surgical Oncology.

Moncrieff, M. D., et al. (2022). "Clinical Outcomes and Risk Stratification of Early-Stage Melanoma Micrometastases From an International Multicenter Study: Implications for the Management of American Joint Committee on Cancer IIIA Disease." Journal of Clinical Oncology: JCO.21.02488.

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