

Dermoscopy examination of skin lesions

The use of a dermatoscope to examine skin lesions and potential skin cancers is recommended by NICE and other national skin cancer guidance. Examing skin lesions with a dermoscope allows a detailed and magnified view of the skin lesion and all its associated features. Expertise in identifying these features and an in-depth knowledge of their significance increases the accuracy of diagnosing cancerous lesions at an earlier stage, as well as reassuring those lesions which do not need to be removed. Dermoscopy is especially important in correctly diagnosing melanocytic (pigmented) lesions. Mr Peach is trained in dermoscopy and routinely uses a dermatoscope as part of his skin surveillance.

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Based in Leeds

Visit Mr Peach in one of the following locations

(private) spire hospital leeds, roundhay hall jackson avenue, leeds

(NHS) bexley wing, st. james's hospital, leeds

(NHS) chapel allerton hospital, leeds

(NHS) leeds general infirmary, leeds