
Mr Peach provides a comprehensive service for treating skin lesions and skin cancers,in addition to dealing with conditions requiring general plastic and reconstructive surgery. He has many years experience assessing skin lesions and discussing the treatment options for managing them. The Spire hospital has a dedicated group nurses all of whom work with Mr Peach, helping him in clinics, with dressings and providing further information and support. He has access to outpatient, day case and inpatient operating theatres as well as other services relevant to his practice. Some of these services, due to the complexity associated with them, are necessarily within Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS trust. Mr Peach also is happy to provide a second opinion on areas of clinical practice as well as medico-legal reports.

Read what aspects of Service our patients have found helpful.

What aspects of the service provided by Mr Peach have you found helpful?

Empathy, patience, thoroughness.

  • Vitality
  • exeter
  • Vitality
  • AXA
  • Cigna
  • CS
  • simplehealth
  • legal and general
  • aviva
  • wpa
  • allianz
  • Bupa


Based in Leeds

Visit Mr Peach in one of the following locations

(private) spire hospital leeds, roundhay hall jackson avenue, leeds

(NHS) bexley wing, st. james's hospital, leeds

(NHS) chapel allerton hospital, leeds

(NHS) leeds general infirmary, leeds