Invited Speaker
Invited Speaker - National//International
Sentinel Node Biopsy - Experience from the Sydney Melanoma Unit
Melanoma Study Group January
Flaps for Vascular Surgeons - Vascular Society masterclass
Skin Cancer - ‘Back to School’ series for GPs
Dermabrasion, ageing and the skin - BUPA Cosmetic Course
Skin Grafts & Local Flaps, Skin Cancer - BUPA Cosmetic Course
Sentinel Node Biospy in the Head & Neck - Yorkshire Head & Neck Group
Sentinel Node Biopsy in melanoma - 1st Leeds Update on Melanocytic and Soft Tissue Tumours
Sentinel node biopsy - BAPRAS - Advanced Educational Course
Excision margins for Melanoma - BAPRAS - Advanced Educational Course
UK melanoma guidelines - BAPRAS - Advanced Educational Course
Surgical management of Merkel Cell Carcinoma - British Association of Dermatologists
‘Surgical considerations for pigmented lesions in anatomically important areas’
3rd Leeds Update on Dermatopathology of Pigmented lesions and Soft Tissue Tumours
Sentinel Node Biopsy - the therapeutic benefits - Focus on Melanoma
Course Organiser
Advanced Treatment Strategy for Advanced Melanoma - Yorkshire Cancer Network
Sentinel Node Biopsy - how I do it - BAPRAS - Advanced Educational Course
Management of difficult melanoma cases - BAPRAS - Advanced Educational Course
Sentinel Node Biopsy Why, When and is it Therapeutic - Preston Specialist Skin MDT
Course Organiser
Focus on Melanoma meeting – Royal College of Physicians – October 2013
NICE melanoma guidelines group - imaging and sentinel node biopsy for melanoma
Melanoma follow up - the need for evidence - Focus on Melanoma
Does the MSLT-1 study prove that sentinel node biopsy is the standard of care for invasive primary cutaneous melanoma - ESPRAS Edinburgh
“Sentinel Node Biopsy - Why, when and is it therapeutic” - Newcastle regional teaching study day
“The changing role of surgery for stage III and loco-regional recurrent melanoma” - Oncology forum, Birmingham
“Interpreting NICE guidance and the MSLT-2 trial in managing thin melanomas and ve sentinel nodes” - 8th UK Pathology update meeting
“Update on the surgical management and the role for sentinel node biopsy” - Royal College of Radiologists - skin update meeting
“The NICE (UK) melanoma guidelines” - The World Melanoma Conference 2017, Brisbane
- Chair of Melanoma Focus Consensus meeting
- Chair Amgen educational meeting
- Organiser and Chair of Yorkshire Region skin cancer update meeting
- Intransit metastases and their management - BAPRAS educational meeting - Manchester
- Organiser of National Melanoma Focus conference
- Oncology Forum Meeting
- Melanoma Focus
- INDUS Hospital Karachi
- NICE guidelines committee
- Oklahoma General Hospital - ENT grand round
- Melanoma Patients Conference
- Melanoma Focus
- Melanoma Focus -
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