Mole check
General skin and mole check
It is not unusual for patients to identify a mole or have a mole noted by family or friends that has changed, even if it has been there ‘for as long as you can remember’. Or it may be just concern about a new mole that has appeared. It is these changing moles that should be assessed. Moles do change as we age so not all changing moles will be cancer, but if it is one that stands out from the crowd, the ‘ugly duckling’ Mr Peach recommends that it should be seen, by a doctor who has an interest and skills in skin cancer management. As part of the initial and any subsequent consultations Mr Peach would not only examine the mole(s) of concern but he will examine your skin from top to bottom to, assess the rest of your skin lesions, check for any other skin lesions that need to be monitored or removed and in particular check areas you can’t see.
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Based in Leeds
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