Vitamin D & Sun protection

Vitamin D & Sun protection

Vitamin D is the trendy Vitamin at the moment, recommended for many different types of cancer and diseases. The government has recommended that all adults take a Vitamin D supplement 10µgm or 400i.u. of Vitamin D3 per day during the autumn and winter seasons (Nov - Apr) and all year round for those people at high risk of Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the risk of recurrence in patients who have had a melanoma. Mr Peach will routinely recommend Vitamin D for the majority of patients who have had a melanoma removed. He will check your Vit D level before recommending an appropriate supplement dose, which is often higher than the routine recommendations. Some people have naturally higher levels of Vitamin D and so will not require supplementation.
Commonly people, having had a skin cancer, are wary of going out in the sun. Mr Peach will discuss the important elements of sun protection and will tailor the advice to your skin type, as different skin colours carry different risks for sun damage.

Read what aspects of Service our patients have found helpful.

What aspects of the service provided by Mr Peach have you found helpful?

The fact that he listens and will investigate any concerns you might have.

  • allianz
  • Bupa
  • AXA
  • legal and general
  • simplehealth
  • Vitality
  • Cigna
  • CS
  • wpa
  • exeter
  • aviva
  • Vitality


Based in Leeds

Visit Mr Peach in one of the following locations

(private) spire hospital leeds, roundhay hall jackson avenue, leeds

(NHS) bexley wing, st. james's hospital, leeds

(NHS) chapel allerton hospital, leeds

(NHS) leeds general infirmary, leeds