On-going Follow and Surveillance
For non-melanoma skin cancer approximately 60% (6 out of 10) of people who have had one skin cancer are likely to develop a second one within 10 years. If you are diagnosed with a second skin cancer then 60% of people are likely to develop another skin cancer within two years. It is important that you are given appropriate advice on what to look out for and what to do if you think a new lesion is developing. Mr. Peach will discuss this with you and if advisable can arrange regular annual check ups.
Melanoma skin cancers can recur either at the site of the original lesion, at the regional lymph nodes or in between the two. Unless you have a very thin/low risk melanoma, it is likely Mr Peach will recommend a 5 yr follow up programme as per the current national guidelines. Recurrence of other skin cancers can occur and Mr. Peach will discuss with you relevant follow-up programmes according to your type of skin cancer. At the end of the routine follow up period, some people prefere an annual review of their skin, which Mr Peach will is also happy to arrange.
Follow-up consultations can be to review the outcome of any recent surgery and to discuss any relevant pathology. It could also be as part of a regular follow-up programme, to check for any recurrence of the disease, to ensure any issues following surgery have been addressed and to arrange any surveillance scans deemed appropriate. Mr Peach routinely will check your skin for any new lesion or existing lesions which may have changed

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Ability to discuss all relevant aspects of treatment. Nursing and theatre staff all excellent.
Based in Leeds
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