Presentations - Regional /National / International 2010-
Histopathological predictors of survival in node dissections in metastatic melanoma - R Pinder R, Peach H - Perspectives in Melanoma - Amsterdam
Ilioinguinal Node Dissection for Malignant Melanoma and Predictors of Pelvic Node Metastasis - Saleh D, Peach H - International congress of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Vancouver
Sentinel lymph node biopsy significantly reduces the incidence of extracapsular extension of cutaneous melanoma metastases in regional lymph nodes. – Au, A.C.Y.; Mughal M.; Peach H.; Moncrieff M. – Winter BAPRAS
Challenges of delivering a successful Melanoma pathway - Peach H - presentation to Bristol Myers Squibb
Isolated Limb Infusion - A single centre experience and review of the technique - D Wilks, Peach H- Winter BAPRAS
Plantar Acral Lentigenous Melanoma - Walls J, Peach H- Melanoma Focus
Isolated Limb Infusion in the management of extremity soft tissue sarcoma: a systematic literature review - Teoh V, Wilks D, Peach Het al - British Sarcoma Group
Wide Local excision for Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DSFP) - s single centre series - Elder S, Peach H, Smith I- British Sarcoma Group
- Baseline peripheral blood ratios are associated with microscopic metastases of cutaneous melanoma to the sentinel lymph node - 2017 International Pigment Cell Conference -Denver Aug (Robinson AV, Keeble C, Peach H, Marples M, Dewar D, Wade R)
- Reducing length of hospital stay following lymph node dissection safely:The Leeds Experience - BAPRAS (Carbone A, Wade R, Peach H)
- A randomised trial of excision margins for melanoma 9th World Melanoma Congress - Brisbane Oct (Moncrieff M, Peach H et al)
- NICE guidelines for the management of melanoma Brisbane Oct - Peach H
- Free Paper -The baseline neutrophil-lymphocyte and lymphocyte- monocyte ratios predict microscopic metastases of cutaneous melanoma to the sentinel lymph node: a multicentre cohort study. BAPRAS - London NovWade R, Robinson A, Keeble C, Marples M, Dewar D, Lo C, Moncreiff M, Peach H
- Update on surgical management and role for sentinel node biopsy in MM - The Royal College of Radiologists, Skin Cancer Update meeting - Peach H
- Co-author on presentations at World Melanoma Congress, International Pigmented Cell Conference, European Association of Dermato-Oncology, Melanoma Focus
- Organiser of Yorkshire Regional Skin Cancer Update meeting
- MSLT-2 - Consensus results and changes to current practice - Peach H Yorkshire Regional Skin Cancer Update meeting
- Acral Lentiginous Melanoma - Is inflammation the missing link? British Association of Dermatologists Edinburgh July 2018 - Peach H
- Managing infected seromas: an evaluation of efficacy and cost - International Conference on Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, Toronto Septemeber 2018 (Robinson A, Dewar D, Peach H)
Intransit Metastases and Management - BAPRAS
Sentinel Node Consensus meeting
- Oncology Forum - The Covid pandemic, alterations in Mx of patients with Melanoma
- Melanoma Focus - Sentinel node biopsy, Tips and Tricks
- INDUS Hospital Educational Meeting Karachi
- Plastic Surgery for paediatric surgeons
- Dermal Tissue matrices - Trauma and Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
- Presentation for NICE - Optimal surgical margins for melanoma stage 0-II
- Melanoma Focus - MDT discussion
- Oklahoma, US - ENT Grand round - Mx of skin cancers with the head and neck
- Presentation to LTHT Cancer Board
- Melanoma Focus - Sentinel Node Biopsy Staging debate
- Melanoma Patients Conference - 2022 NICE guidelines
- Melanoma Focus - Loco-regional disease Mx
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The care and attention to detail. Mr Peach takes time to look carefully at all areas of my skin. He has a calm, considerate manner which is very reassuring. Mr Peach explains what he is doing and why at each stage.
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